“Mr Churchill visits the Army of Occupation, 1919” (BRDW 1/2/73)
Full length photograph of WSC [Secretary of State for War], standing by some trees and bushes at [? Stadtwald, Germany]. WSC is standing in the centre foreground, looking almost directly at the camera while speaking, wearing a spotted bow tie and light coloured suit, with one hand at his lapel, and the other holding his top hat, cane, gloves and a sheet of paper. Several officers are standing in the background.
Aug 1919
![Full length photograph of WSC [Secretary of State for War]](https://i2.wp.com/s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/churchill-cb/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/19171313/BRDW_I_Photo_02_073-e1516715481177.jpg?fit=753%2C989&ssl=1)